Brown leather bag repair

Repair of brown leather bag.
The metal zipper of the brown leather bag cannot stay closed. This leather bag was well seasoned and the owner was looking for zipper replacement by sewing a new set of metal zipper.

Sewing of new metal zipper on leather bag.
The worn zipper was removed by Sally and the new metal zipper was sewn onto the leather bag by using a sewing machine.

Completed sewing of new metal zipper.
The new metal zipper was sewn onto the brown leather bag and by doing a repair on this brown leather bag, the lifespan of the bag is extended and this helps the owner to reduce waste too.

Completed sewing of new metal zipper (full view).
Overall view of the repaired leather bag show that repair retain the shape of the leather bag. It is economical to repair a worn metal zipper and help to extend the useful life of this leather bag.