Sewing of red color leather handbag

Sewing of red color leather handbag feature image.

We do hand sewing on this triangular ring that was attached to the red leather handbag. The ring for the strap attachment was hand sewn using a matching color thread and we were able to provide a satisfactory service for the owner of the handbag. The completed repair of the red leather handbag.

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The North Face backpack repair

Feature image showing repaired shoulder straps on a black North Face backpack.

We received a black color The North Face backpack from a customer and the customer hoped that we can help to repair the backpack by fixing the backpack straps. The straps were very worn and if owners of such expensive backpacks do not know where to find a reputable bag repair service, they will usually…

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Sally was featured in MediaCorp series Fashion Refabbed

Snippet from MediaCorp meWATCH. Sally was invited to be part of the MediaCorp TV program “Fashion Refabbed” hosted by Kym Ng. The filming session was sometime in July 2002. The intention of the episodes is to encourage viewers to upcycle their old clothes and give new life to these old clothes. The invited guests and…

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Winter Jacket Repair (rh+ Italy Brand)

Feature image of rh+ ski jackets from Italy.

Customer sent in a rh+ Italian branded winter jacket for repair. The jacket collar and sleeve were disintegrated due to long term storage and we were able to restore the jacket close to original form. The disintegrated fabric was removed from the sleeve and a similar fabric was sewn onto the sleeve to complete repair…

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Backpack repair (REI Brand)

New replacement sling padding.

Some customers are very sentimental about the bags they own and they have various reasons to do so. Some are  sentimental over their bags as these bags may be limited to the countries they bought from or these bags hold special memories and moments for the owners. It was also good to repair bags so…

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Replacing a stained shirt collar

Collar replacement feature image.

Replacing shirt collarThe shirt collar was stained due to extensive usage and requires replacement. Cutting off the old shirt collarThe old shirt collar was cut off and to be replaced by a new collar. A replacement collarA new replacement collar was made and was ready to be sewn onto the shirt. Completed shirt collar replacementThe…

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Repair of branded backpack (Tumi brand)

Tumi backpack backing being resewn.

Repair of branded backpack (Tumi brand)The lower part of the backing fabric was worn out due to wear and tear. A guide was drawn to cut off the worn area.The worn part of the lower part of the backing of the backpack was mark out. The lower part will be sewn with another piece of…

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Tshirt alteration

Image shows tshirt being altered by cutting off the excess length and resewn with double stitching.

Tshirt AlterationThe tshirt was brought to the shop be shorten by altering the length. The length of the tshirt was cut to the correct length. The excess length of the Tshirt was cut off. The resewned edge with double stitching.

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Blue Malay Dress

A zipper was sewn on a custom blue Malay dress.

Custom sewing of a blue Malay dressThe customer was a Malay lady who commission us to make a blue dress for herself and her family. The measurement was made and the sewing was done accordingly. However, we didn’t have the opportunity to take photo of the whole sets of custom clothing to show case the…

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